A new study published in journal nature genetics led to the discovery of newly identified gene which is linked to obesity
Obesity is the condition in which excess fat gets deposited in the body to a level that it may have a harmful effect on the body. In this condition metabolism of the body became slow, although excess food intake is one of the prominent reason for obesity, it can also be due to genetic susceptibility.
A new study published in journal nature genetics led to the discovery of a newly identified gene which is linked to obesity. This new finding contributes to the new potential treatments in the fight against obesity.
In the light of this study, the scientist could create the drug which can target the mutated Gene specifically.
This new study is done on children from Pakistan which are suffering from obesity. During their study, they found out that in Pakistan, due to the high level of inter-family relationship this recessive gene mutation are more likely to be inherited by children from both sides.
During their research, the scientist observed that mutation is caused by one specific gene that is adenylate cyclase 3 which encodes for abnormal protein due to mutation.
They also tested mice by removing ADCY3 gene from them and observed obesity and anosmia in them. They also tested in their patients and observed the same result. After this experiment, they concluded that obesity and mutation in ADCY3 are linked.
The other group of scientist from Netherland contacted the team after seeing their result in ‘ Gene matcher’ and shared their own findings of ADCY3 in one of their obese patients. This data showed that patient inherited the different mutation from both the parents which were not closely related unlike Pakistan’s patients but the mutation was on same gene i.e. ADCY3.
This new finding can help researchers to find the new potential treatments for obesity.